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All our staff are trained and experienced in working with young people with SEND. There are a number of staff who have additional specialisms and responsibilities.

Meet the SEND Team 

Ms Lindsey Thompson is the SENDCo at Acre View Primary School. She is responsible for co-ordinating the SEND provision for pupils. If you have any questions or require additional information about the SEND provision at Acre View Primary School, please contact Ms Thompson at the school.

For more details about how we support children and young people with SEND please read our Local Offer/SEND Information Report.

Individual Education Plans - IEPs

At Acre View Primary School, we use IEPs, which are person-centred plans to monitor progress towards the longer-term outcomes in EHCPs or Statements of SEN. They are working documents informed by the pupil’s EHCP/Statement and set out half-termly targets for pupils to work towards. They provide a framework for longer term goals and identify the smaller steps pupils can take to achieve this.

IEPs are split into the 4 areas of need:

  • Cognition and Learning
  • Communication and Interaction
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health
  • Sensory and Physical

Key staff across the school are involved in the assess, plan, do, review cycle with the IEPs This includes Teachers, TA's, Speech and Language Therapists, Occupational Therapists and Pastoral Care. Pupils and parents and carers are informed of the content of the IEP and involved in the monitoring of progress. All IEPs are overseen by the SENDCo and Assistant SENDCo.

All Support Services are an intrinsic part of pupils' education at Acre View Primary School and this provides valuable support to enable our pupils' learning, development and success.  This includes:

  • Occupational Therapy
  • Speech and Language Therapy
  • Clinical Psychologist
  • Pastoral Care
  • Medical Team
  • SENDCo Team

Internal referral system and Support Services panel

At Acre View Primary School, we operate dynamic support for our young people through our internal referral system. Pupils can be referred internally for additional support; this is taken to our panel meeting for discussion and the appropriate team is identified for intervention. 

Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy support our pupils' sensory needs and emotional regulation. They provide individual assessments and develop personalised support plans for sensory motor skills, with the aim of developing skills progression; delivered school wide and through direct 1:1 session in our OT suite. This allows our young people to address sensory, motor and proprioceptive skills on-site as a foundation to their learning. 

Speech and Language Therapy (SaLT)

Speech and Language Therapy offers a range of assessment and therapy interventions, strategies, training and advice. This is all provided through highly individualised programmes and resources, according to need. SaLT is delivered by our therapists as 1:1 sessions, small group and whole class sessions. 

Clinical Psychologist

Our Clinical Psychologist, Dr Ze’ev Levita has extensive experience in his specialist field and provides support and advice to staff, parents and pupils. He provides training to staff in school and his parent/carer workshops are extremely popular and easily accessible.

Team around the child

Our Clinical Psychologist, Dr Ze’ev Levita, is available to provide advice and suggest strategies to the staff working with pupils. 

Pastoral Care

At Acre View Primary School, Pastoral Care support our pupil’s physical, social and emotional welfare, building positive relationships that allow us to identify and support behaviours which impact on a pupil’s ability to access learning. In turn, supporting the pupils to be able to self-regulate in the difficult situation’s life can present.

Our staff have specific training and experience in Attachment and Trauma . They support and help our young people develop emotional regulation and well-being through specific programmes and interventions. 

Also, part of this team, staff are specialists in Positive Behaviour Support, Diffusion and De-escalation and Risk Assessments. They work with the education staff and provide valuable support for the wellbeing and safety our pupils; also providing specialist regular staff training staff across the school. 

Medical Team

As a school we have our own medical team led by the School Nurse, based in a well-equipped medical suite, who provide a range of medical services working with pupils and staff, including managing medicines and liaising with external health professionals. 

Local Offer

Acre View Primary School

(Opened by West Kirby Educational Trust)

286, Southport Road, Lydiate,

Liverpool, L63 4EQ,



Age range, gender and specialist provision: 5 -11 mixed gender

Acre View Primary School offers specialist provision for children who have an EHCP or Statement of SEN with Autistic Spectrum Condition and communication and interaction difficulties. This can be co-occurring with other conditions such as ADHD, ADD, OCD, demand avoidant profile, speech and language difficulties, sensory processing difficulties, attachment difficulties and other anxiety related conditions. Due to the vast range of specialisms present in the staff team a wide range of cognitive ability and need can be catered for. However, the school is not suitable for PMLD (Non-ambulant) or severe learning difficulties (SLD).

The on-site provision includes Education, Speech and Language Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Clinical Psychology, Reading Support, School Nurse led Medical Team and a Pastoral Care

All staff are appropriately qualified for their role in school, and in most cases have additional qualifications which enhances the level of expertise available within school. The staff are informed of the best practice to use with students with a specific learning difficulty with literacy and/or numeracy. Staff are experienced in working with young people with a demand avoidant profile and successfully employing appropriate strategies.

Capacity – 48 across Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2

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